
Showing posts from October, 2017

My top 5 beauty Youtubers!

Hey my lovelies!! How are we all doing today? I hope you are all having a fantastic halloween!!! My face is still recovering from all the liquid latex I had on it on Saturday so I am having a little rest from make up for a few days. So instead of the halloween tutorial I had planned to do, I decided to have a natter about some of my favourite beauty youtubers! I watch youtube every night without fail, and its usually beauty channels that I find myself watching. I love seeing all their reactions to new products, what products work and don't work for them and I also do buy a lot of products based on their reviews and advice. It was hard to narrow it down but here are my top 5 beauty channels that I watch regularly. Tati  Tati was one of the first beauty youtubers I ever used to watch. I just love her down to earth reviews and how honest she is about her feelings on products. I find a lot of beauty influencers on youtube to cater their reviews towards whoever is

Catch Up and Inglot Haul :D

Hey lovelies!!! How are we all? My last blog post was exactly a month ago 😲 However I do have good reasons for this, I got married!!!! As of the 7/10/2017 I officially became a wifey, and now I'm Mrs Jordan Johnson 💕 So now I am back from my honeymoon I can get back to one of my biggest passions, make up!  When we were on holiday I found a store that sold Inglot products and I nearly peed myself with joy! I have wanted to try their gel liners for so so long, and at only 13 Euros each I couldn't resist! My lovely Hubby let me use some of our wedding money to treat myself, so treat myself I did!!! I picked up 2 shades of the gel liner, 4 shades of the loose pigments and a bottle of the Duraline. I haven't had much chance to play with them yet, so these are pretty much my first impressions, but I am super impressed!!!! Pigments These pigment pots are beyond stunning! For 13 Euros (or £13 if you are buying from  each you ge